POLIN's quality rating

What is the quality mark cooked by Polin?

"Cooked by Polin" is our quality seal - all recipes marked with it have been tested by us in our culinary lab. Thanks to this, the photos you see, show authentic dishes and we are sure that our recipes result in delicious food.
Our cooking lab is called "Fania’s Culinary Lab" – named by Fania Lewando, a pre-war restaurateur and promoter of vegetarian food, who in 1938 published a pioneering cookbook "Wegetarian Cuisine. 400 Recipes from Frutis and Vegetables Only". The lab is a space where you can come for a cooking classes, a meeting about the cuisine or rent it for your event.

Throughout the year, " Fania’s Culinary Lab" hosts culinary classes for adults and for children on Jewish cuisine from around the world, Ashkenazi and Sephardic. We teach how to braid challah, bake matzah, prepare gefilte fish or hummus with pita. Our instructors come from many countries, from Poland as well as Israel and Italy.
Photo gallery
TISH Jewish Food Festival
TISH Jewish Food Festival - every year since 2018 we organize the only festival in Poland dedicated exclusively to Jewish food. During the five days of the festival you can meet culinary experts and chefs, take part in culinary walks, tastings and visit restaurants and bars that prepare Jewish dishes and Yiddish menus for this time. Join us every year during the Sukkot holiday!
Events organised by POLIN
  • Shabbat picnic

    August 27 (Saturday), 12.30-15.30
    Event not available in English
More info about events and workshops at POLIN Museum
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